Keeping your humanity in an on-demand world


We are living in an era of on-demand, transactional services, where you can have almost anything you want at the push of a button, a swipe of your phone or the click of a remote. It isn’t surprising that with everything so easily accessible, recruitment and hiring have moved away from human interaction and towards more technology-based solutions.

Convenience and cost are huge factors in this move. However, when finding the right fit – the right person for your team or organisation or, as an employee, finding the right organisation for your next career move – human interaction MUST be part of the process to achieve a result that both sides of the table are happy with.

So how do you keep your humanity in this process when everything seems to be aimed at increasing speed and distance? Here are four ways to make sure you retain the all-important human element in an increasingly technological process.


So many of us hesitate to do this, however, whatever side of the hiring process you’re on, you can find out so much by simply talking to someone on the phone. We often default to email conversations during the recruitment and hiring processes, but asking questions directly and getting information straight from the horse’s mouth will help you determine whether a situation is the right fit for all.


Don’t just rely on what is written in a resume or on a company’s website for guidance on an individual’s character or the values, mission and culture of an organisation. Talk to people. Whether it’s calling references or chatting with people who have worked at a particular company, moving off the page or webpage will help you find out what you need to know, and not just what the other side wants you to know.


This may sound strange but with Skype, Zoom and Facetime, to name just a few technological hiring aids, it isn’t unusual for a new employee to shake hands with their manager for the first time on the day they start a new job. This should be the absolutely last resort! Meeting someone face to face, shaking hands and looking them in the eye, is an important part of human connection, and finding a way to make this happen is essential, even if you need to use a stand-in, such as someone from the local office. Video interviewing can never be an adequate substitute for the vital first impressions you get when meeting someone face to face.


Of course it is important to know if someone has the skills to do the job or if a manager leads in a style that suits you. However, learning more about a person – their passions, their interests and their goals – can tell you a lot about how they will fit into your team or you into theirs. Don’t be afraid to get a little personal to better understand who the person sitting across the table from you really is.

Between LinkedIn, Seek, Jora, Indeed and the plethora of social media platforms and apps available for both jobseekers and hiring managers, it isn’t always easy to keep your humanity. This is especially the case when budgets are tight and speed is essential. We’re living in a world where business never slows down and we are always on the clock. However, to find meaningful work for which you are valued and appreciated, and to find team members who add real value and share your goals and visions for your organisation, building and maintaining that personal, human connection is essential.

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