How to get SH!T done

No matter what is going on in the world or in our lives, we have to continue to get sh!t done. Each one of us has our own way of getting things accomplished – little tricks or processes to help us get through the never-ending minutiae required to do our jobs and lead our lives.

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Christine KhorComment
Spending money can make money – here’s how!

While there are many causes of lack of engagement, poor communication and low productivity, there is significant research drawing a link between these factors.

Poor leadership, management performance and communication => poor employee engagement=> billions of $ in lost productivity. And it’s hurting your business.

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Christine KhorComment
Are you a professional or an amateur?

Whether you’re talking about the field of sport, the arts or music, the difference between being a professional or an amateur comes down to the ability to support oneself financially. Simply put, professionals get paid, while amateurs don’t.

But there is more to being a professional than just receiving money.

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Christine KhorComment

Imagine going to your favourite café, the one you’ve been going to for years. When you can, you sit at the same table. You order the same two or three things – a coffee and cake, sometimes tea and a biscuit – and you always leave a little tip.

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Christine KhorComment
Imposter Syndrome

Feeling a lack of confidence, that you still have much to learn or that you are out of your comfort zone is not always a bad thing. In fact, these feelings of incompetence can be the inspiration and motivation for us to push ourselves to learn and develop.

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Christine KhorComment
Why do so many incompetent men become leaders?

There were some interesting observations and insights in this book and I’d like to share some of the key ones with you. I highly recommend this book for anyone in leadership or managing a team, or who would like to lead a business to success, or who simply wants to hear an interesting perspective.

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